Other Mediations

Other Mediations



A co-mediation is a mediation in which two or three individuals act jointly as mediators in a dispute.


  • Broader approach of the issue(s) and the conflict, complementary approach by different mediators;
  • Suitable for cases in which a party is not totally convinced that a mediator chosen by the other party is capable of being impartial and independent.


  • Higher fees;
  • Need for the comediators to get along and work together efficiently.


Pierre Servan-Schreiber has intervened in:

  • Two co-mediations in Patrimonial Family Mediations;
  • A three-mediators mediation in connection with a class action in the USA;
  • A three-mediators mediation in the professional sport industry.

Intra-company Mediations


Mediation between business units, subsidiaries, categories of employees, etc. within a single group.


  • Helps resolve disputes within groups where recourse to litigation is by definition undesirable or impossible;
  • Enables discussions of issues without the constraints of hierarchy or power games within a company or a group.




Pierre Servan-Schreiber was a mediator or a comediator in four intra-company cases which all got resolved thanks to the mediation.

Other Mediations

There is no limit to the different kinds of disputes which can be resolved thanks to a mediation.


Pierre Servan-Schreiber was a mediator in matters:

  • Between a professional sport league and a prominent team;
  • The departure of a large number of partners from a prominent Law firm;
  • Regarding the succession strategy with respect to a castle and a winery in France.
  • A divorce involving works of art, ownership of trademarks, landmark property, etc.