Pierre Servan-Schreiber is a highly recognized mediator in all kinds of disputes. He has been certified by:
- Equanim International Paris, of which he is a member of the Scientific Committee.
- CMAP, Paris.
- Paris Court of Appeals.
- CiArb, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London.
- CEDR, Center for Effective Dispute Resolution, London.
- CPR, International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution, New York.
- International Center for Conflict Resolution; Ken Cloke; Santa Monica, California.
His practice and his personal background led him to develop a strong practice in Patrimonial Family Mediation, a concept that he created and has developed since.
Based on his almost 40 years of practice as a corporate lawyer member of the Paris and New York Bars, specialized in M&A and strategic litigation matters, he also developed a strong practice in commercial litigation.
Among the various other types of mediations Pierre Servan-Schreiber acted in co-mediations, intra-company mediations, professional sport mediations and mediations among lawyers.