Attorney-at-law; Paris and New York Bars

A specialist in cross-border M&A

After having begun his career in New York with the firm Donovan & Leisure, Pierre Servan-Schreiber became the first ever European partner of Sullivan & Cromwell in 1998.

In 2000 he joined Skadden, Arps as its first ever French partner and was the Managing Partner of its Paris office until January 31, 2015, when he became a full-time Mediator.

Over his more than thirty years of legal practice, Pierre Servan-Schreiber represented some of the most important French, European, Asian and American groups in their mergers, acquisitions, IPOs, etc.

Pierre Servan-Schreiber - Décideur magazine

Décideurs magazine

“Pierre Servan-Schreiber”

Pierre Servan-Schreiber is one of the very few French attorneys who was systematically ranked among the best in M&A and Securities transactions by Who’s Who Legal. He was also recognized among the top individuals in these categories for many years by Chambers Global; The World’s Leading Lawyers for Business; Legal 500; The International Who’s Who of Business Lawyers and PLC’s Which Lawyer?

He was identified by the French leading business newspaper Les Echos as one of the 200 French individuals who best represent France abroad.

Avirsory role in strategic litigation matters

Pierre Servan-Schreiber was also actively involved in many litigation, either as head litigator or in an advisory role with respect to the litigation strategy

  • in cases in France of the U.S.A.,
  • and in particular in : Arbitration matters, conflicts among shareholders,
  • internal investigations,
  • and settlement procedures with certain American and French authorities,
  • etc.


Deals de justice – Le marché américain de l’obéissance mondialisée

Antoine GARAPON, Pierre SERVAN-SCHREIBER (dir.). Deals de justice – Le marché américain de l’obéissance mondialisée. PUF, 2013. Prix Olivier Debouzy du meilleur ouvrage d’agitateur d’idées juridiques décerné par le Club des Juristes ; classé N°1 des ventes sur Amazon en droit international.

Information et communication dans les offres publiques

Pierre SERVAN-SCHREIBER, Maurice LEVY, Jean VEIL. Information et communication dans les offres publiques. In Guy CANIVET, Didier MARTIN, Nicolas MOLFESSIS. Les Offres publiques d’achat. Litec, 2009, p. 517-564.

Les offres publiques internationales

Pierre SERVAN-SCHREIBER, Didier MARTIN. Les offres publiques internationales. In Guy CANIVET, Didier MARTIN, Nicolas MOLFESSIS. Les Offres publiques d’achat. Litec, 2009, p. 833-867.