Legal Notice

Director of publication: Pierre Servan-Schreiber (contact).

Hosting and web consulting

The site is hosted by the company 1&1 IONOS Cloud 7, place de la Gare BP 70109 57200 Sarreguemines Cedex / SIRET 431 303 775 000 16 Code APE: 6201Z Identification intracommunautaire FR 13 431303775.

Web consulting : Xavier Derégel – VeryNet / Siren 387 798 028.

Photo credits

The royalty-free photos used on this website come from the image bank Unsplash. © Headway © Helena Lopes © Scott Graham © Sebastian Herrmann © Matthew Henry © Maarten van den Heuvel © Esteban Benites © Matt Botsford © Mikołaj.

Pictures of olives and olive oil: © DR. Pierre Servan-Schreiber.